Monday, April 11, 2011

Stolen Rights...


            The Japanese have had to face discrimination since they arrived to the United States. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, all the Japanese in American were forced to leave their home and taken to Internment Camps. Some died because of poor medical conditions, or because they could not take the stress.
            Before the WWII, Japanese people had to face many hardships and discrimination because of their ethnicity. Since they arrived they had to work as laborers and had very little chances of advancing into higher positions. When they were sent to internment camps, they were given only 48 hours to gather whatever they could carry and leave their home. The Nisei (Japanese that were born in America) were given more rights in the camps than the Issei (Japanese that immigrated to the U.S.). The Americans were afraid the Issei would be in ally with their mother country and try something against them. The Japanese were not given the freedom to speak and were denied their liberty.
            The Japanese have always been a minority in the U.S. with few rights and a lot of discrimination. They were forced to go to internment camps that were in poor conditions. Many suffered through this injustice while some unfortunate ones even died. They have never been offered many rights. 



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