Thursday, April 21, 2011

More Thoughts In My Head...

Many people violate the elderly’s rights. Even though they are old and are put in retirement homes doesn’t make them any less human. They have more knowledge and experience than anyone else and should be treated fairly and equally.
There are so many disabled people in this world that go through so many hardships in life. It’s bad enough that they are physically disabled and have to work harder than anyone else, but when they get their rights neglected, it just makes it tougher on them. People should really led a hand to those who need it the most.
Veterans should be given certain rights after they have finished serving the army. These people sacrificed their lives for their country and the people in it and it’s only fair to give them the rights they deserve after they return from their service.
No human being deserves to be abused physically or emotionally. They should have the right to protest against this injustice and the right to take legal actions against the offender, even if there isn’t a law supporting it.
Not everyone is the same; therefore Muslims should not all be judged for what others did a few years ago. Just because you have the same religion and ethnicity does not mean you think and act alike. They should be able to live their lives normally without facing any prejudice.
Even if you don’t accept homosexuality you should at least respect it. Even if you think it’s wrong, you do not have the right to make them feel inferior and resort to physical and emotional pain. They are still humans and deserve to be treated equally and fairly, regardless of whom they love.
Even though there are rights supporting African Americans, many people still discriminate them. They should stop viewing them differently because of their skin color and stop thinking they are invading their land. America is melting pot filled with many different cultures and ethnicity. People should just accept that and live equally.
There are many different religions out there and everyone deserves the right to freedom of religion. They shouldn’t be treated differently just because there religion is different. You shouldn’t be judged for your beliefs; you can’t tell someone that what they believe is wrong and what you believe is right. They have the right to have their religion respected.
Employers don’t have the right to discriminate their employees because of their background. Everyone should be given equal rights in the work field regardless of sex, nationality, age, etc. People have the right to have jobs and earn money for living without anyone discriminating them.
Everyone has the right to vote and chose the future candidate that will lead their country. Regardless of age, gender, and ethnicity you have the right to raise your voice and speak your mind. If you are mentally prepared for life, why can’t you help choose the future leader of your country?

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