Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Discriminating Success...

              Japanese Americans faced discrimination before World War II (along the mid- 1800’s). All Asians were treated kindly at first by the Americans, since they were only seen as laborers. When they started gaining more success, the Americans stared treating them badly.
             Americans passed discriminatory laws against the Japanese Americans prohibiting them from to become citizens, marry outside of their own race, and own land. During the time Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, the U.S. government found proof that Japanese Americans had nothing to do with the attack. Even though they knew they were innocent, they still sent them to Internment Camps and gave them little time to prepare and sell their valuables. The Japanese Americans were defenseless against these accusations since they were a minority and were discriminated for their background.
           Asians in America have been discriminated by Americans because of their ability to succeed in life. Envious Americans made sure to make laws prohibiting Japanese Americans to have certain rights like: becoming citizens, marrying outside of their race, and owning land. Having the disadvantage of being minorities, Japanese Americans were not able to fight back and protect their rights, especially when their mother country was going through much greater hardships and could not help them.


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